Visualization Map Types
Map Grafica editor allows users to make thematic maps, which are representations of attribute data (quantitative and qualitative) on a base map.
Visualizing data with maps involves making decisions in three basic areas: projection, scale and symbolization.
There is a vast literature on map making, and further readings are strongly recommended.
Choropleth - thematic data visualization map using a Qualitative color scheme.
Choropleth - thematic data visualization map using a Sequential color scheme.
Bubble maps using a single data set.
Bubble maps created with multiple data sets.
Density maps and Dot maps made by plotting points.
Pie chart maps visualize how much each category takes from the total amount.
Columns chart maps are being used to visualize data category change.
Multiple symbols maps visualize the differences in the magnitude of data.
Maps using Symbols with proportional size to the values of the attribute being mapped.
Pinpoint maps use markers to visualize the exactly location of some data such as events on a map, being used for analysis and presentations.
Street level maps created by taking snapshots of the Esri map tiles.
Create enganging Infographics based on geographic maps.
Create quick and easy maps for any project or website, to illustrate information.
World outline maps made with a geographic projection.
World outline maps made with a random pattern.